InterCosmic Gardens of Utopia
Kylie Deans
César Torres-Bustamante
March 2021
The goal of this project is to provide a restorative landscape infrastructure for future Martian colonies. Scientists are confident that humans will get there, while some such as Elon Musk aspire to colonize as early as 2028. The city is located in the flat and resourceful crater basin Utopia Planitia, which is famous for large underground ice deposits. Within region, the colony will settle into an impact zone known as Bacolor Crater, featuring a unique and rich inner-mountainous topography rich in landscape opportunity.
Research has shown that space travel is very detrimental to astronaut health and well-being due to the harsh living conditions and as such being in outer-space exposes individuals to many mental & physical health risks. Dangers from the space environment are caused by solar radiation, zero gravity, as well as the small and sterile living spaces found aboard spaceships. This proposal attempts to demonstrate how landscape architecture can mitigate the negative impacts from space travel through a re-imagined environmental relationship. Ultimately, through applied notions of Attention Restoration Theory, we can build utopia.

The making of my senior year involved studying a lot of Syd Mead books and listening to endless 1980’s Japanese City Pop playlists. My time was spent chasing evocative funky design precedents and I ate up more science fiction fantasy art than ever before. I wanted this design to embody my favorite aspect of landscape architecture - the beautiful unison of art and science. Additionally, this year I’ve dealt with a lot of health issues that have fueled my passion particularly for restorative design. After I graduate, my dream is to create utopia one landscape at a time.